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Preparation for Confirmation starts after children have received their first communion. St. William of York's Religious Education program is an 8-year program. We are NOT a sacraments program. Each year the children build upon what they have learned from the year before.  This program prepares them to receive the sacraments. Grades 3 through 6 are instrumental years for the student to build upon and expand their knowledge, and understanding of the faith. In Grade 7, students are required to pass the “Basic Faith Test”, in order to continue on to the 8th Grade.  They will also be required to complete the following:

a) Prepare a Saint report on the saint of their choice
b) Perform 15 hours of service to the community
c) Choose a Sponsor - A person chosen to serve as a mentor in the Catholic faith for the student. 
     The sponsor must:
                   1) Be a Catholic in good standing
                  2) Have received all sacraments (Baptism, 1st Holy Communion and Confirmation
                  3) Be at least 16 Years of Age
                  4) If married, must have a valid Catholic marriage

Confirmation is received in 8th grade.

*** Regular attendance at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligations is required and expected.  
*** Mass attendance will be monitored.  Learning the faith and practicing the faith go hand in hand.

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