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Confirmation 1 Class

Confirmation Name - Declaration Page - due January 26, 2025

Saint Report
  • EACH student preparing for the sacrament should select a patron saint, and will be confirmed using the name of that saint (A.K.A., your Confirmation Name).  The saint should be carefully selected and should display some of the virtues that the student admires and will try to follow in his/her life.

    There are so many saints.  How can I choose one?  Some students already know who they will choose for their patron saint.  It might be the saint whose feast day is on their birthday or the saint who is patron of the profession they aspire to in the future.  If you have no idea, read through some mini-biographies of different saints to find one who speaks to you.  NOTE:  there are several levels in the canonization process.  You may choose someone who has been declared a Saint or a Blessed by the Church.  You may not choose any who have only been declared Servants of God or Venerable.

    The research paper:  You must use three sources to gather information about your saint (books, encyclopedias, Catholic websites - you may NOT use Wikipedia as a source).  You MAY NOT copy information from a source and paste it directly into the paper.  If you need help on how to research and prepare a report, please ask!


    1. FORMATTING THE REPORT:  The finished paper will be at least 4 pages long and stapled in the top left corner. 

      1. Cover Page is the first page and should include the student’s name, catechist’s name, Saint name, and a picture of the saint.

      2. There should be no less than 2 pages typewritten (NO pictures or Large Headings between paragraphs) with the following specifications

        1. Margins of 1” on all sides

        2. Double spaced

        3. Font size 12-pitch

        4. Standard font (such as Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial, Comic Sans) 

      3. The final page should be a bibliography or citations page (list of the sources you used to write the report).  The paper will be returned if this page is missing.


    1. WHAT TO PUT IN THE REPORT:  The report should include a brief summary of the life of the saint, a paragraph on why the student chose that particular saint, and a paragraph on the virtues the saint was known for and how the student intends to incorporate those virtues in his/her own life.  See the “Called By Name” page in this packet for questions that will help you gather material that can be used in the paper. The student is not required to answer and hand in these questions in addition to writing the paper.


    1. Parents and/or sponsors are encouraged to assist the students with this paper. 

    Potential sources:,

Basic Faith Test
  • The Basic faith Test is a MANDATORY exam given to students to test their knowledge on key tenets of their Catholic faith. 

    The material on the test includes:


  • the Apostles Creed

  • Ten Commandments and the Two Great Commandments

  • the Theological and Cardinal Virtues

  • the Gifts of the Spirit

  • the Seven Deadly Sins

  • the Seven Sacraments (what each does for us, matter, form, minister, type)

  • the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy

  • our church leaders (pope, bishop, parish priests)

  • the Precepts of the Church (new this year)

  • the Beatitudes (new this year)

  • Students must pass this test with a score of 70% or better before promotion to the 8th Grade/Year 2 of Confirmation preparation.

    If a student scores less than 70%, he/she will have an opportunity to retake the test.  Students MUST retake the exam NLT July 30, 2021.   Retest/makeup test dates will be determined and posted by March 28, 2021. 

    Study guides are in the red folder so the students can begin preparing NOW.  Although the catechists do review the material throughout the year, we do NOT teach to the test.  The students must put in individual effort and prepare outside of class in order to show an understanding of the material and a readiness for the sacrament of Confirmation.  To help with this, students will receive weekly reviews beginning in January (either on paper or via a google form to be completed and submitted online).  You will also receive links to Quizlets to help review definitions and categories.

    Assistance in studying for the exam can be given by the RE Office.  Contact Diana Roets, Sacramental Coordinator, at or call 540-659-5705. 

    Parents/sponsors are encouraged to assist the children study for the exam.  Students who make an honest effort have never had any difficulty passing the exam.

Diocesan Confirmation Exam Class/Homework

The Office of Faith Formation at the diocese has recently provided parishes with Standards of Learning for Religious Education at all grade levels.  They have included a comprehensive Confirmation Exam.  We will provide this exam to students in August to be completed at home and returned by the end of September.  Students are encouraged to work on this exam with their sponsor.  We feel compelled to utilize this tool the diocese has provided because most often the students do not remember the material from the Basic Faith Test after 6 months have passed.  Completing this exam (open notes, google, sponsor, parent) allows the student to refresh their memory and be prepared to answer any questions about their Faith that the bishop may ask them.

Service Hours Log

Students are required to perform a total of FIFTEEN (15) service hours.  This total is half of the service hours normally required in light of the restrictions imposed by COVID-19.  The remaining 15 hours are being replaced by three (3) research projects/papers.

Service hours are intended to form the student through opportunities to perform the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy.  Our Lord, Jesus Christ, spent his life serving others.  If we are to be a true follower of Christ, we must be willing to serve others and expect nothing in return.

Normal family chores or activities for which payment is received WILL NOT BE COUNTED toward the total

Any service performed for family members also is not accepted because it is our duty to support our family – if extenuating circumstances exist in which a student is required to go above and beyond normal expectations, please contact the RE office for approval to count hours

Rule of thumb is MAXIMUM of 5 HOURS per type of activity

Sponsor Information

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the role of the Confirmation sponsor is to, “Continue to help the candidate along the road of Christian life, to safeguard and develop the grace given at Baptism and now sealed with the Holy Spirit.” (CCC. 1320)

The role of the Confirmation Sponsor involves much more than simply standing behind the Candidate as the bishop confirms. It is the beginning or the continuation of a lasting relationship of mentoring and guidance.

The prayers and support of the Sponsor are an important part of preparation for Confirmation, and helps the Confirmation Candidate live his or her baptismal promises both before and after Confirmation.

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