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Legion of Mary

O Mary, conceived without sin. Pray for us who have 
recourse to you.
wose embers are giving service to the Church

The Legion of Mary is a lay catholic organization whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis in almost every country.

What is the Legion of Mary?
The Legion of Mary is the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, with about 3 million active members in over 160 countries around the world. The Legion of Mary has been active in the United States (USA) since 1931, has been approved by 7 Popes, and was endorsed by the Second Vatican Council.

The main purpose of the Legion of Mary is to give glory to God through the sanctification of its members. Members of the Legion of Mary become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer, the sacraments and devotion to Mary and the Trinity, and service in a family atmosphere. Legionaries are under the guidance of a spiritual director named by the pastor. The Legion of Mary is, in essence, an extension of the heart and hands of the pastor.

The Legion of Mary began in Dublin, Ireland, on September 7, 1921, and is now in every country of the world.


  1. To make its members better Catholics and to mobilize the Catholic Laity.

  2. To raise the spiritual level of the entire community through direct contact with and interest in, every member and potential member of the Mystical Body of Christ.

  3. To accomplish this through Mary, Mother of Souls and Mediatrix of All Grace.

To learn more about the Legion of Mary, the first step is to be a guest at one of our meetings. Guests are always welcome and may go on one of the work assignments with an experienced member if they choose.  The apostolic works of the Legion include:

  • New parishioner visitation

  • Visitation of the sick or aged

  • Religious Education

  • Sacred Heart Enthronement*

  • Pilgrim Virgin Statue Visits*

  • Door-to-door evangelization

  • Meeting other spiritual needs of the Parish under guidance of Father DeMartino, Spiritual Director.

*Please call to sign up for Sacred Heart Enthronement or Pilgrim Virgin Statue visit.

Who May Belong?

Any practicing Catholic who is willing to fulfill the obligations of membership in the proper spirit. Senior members must be 18 years of age. Junior members are those under 18.

Types of Membership
Active Members and Auxiliary (praying) members. Active members must attend a weekly meeting and perform a weekly work obligation of at least two hours.

Active Membership

Duties of Active Members

  1. To attend a weekly meeting.

  2. To do a minimum of two hours of Apostolic work each week with a partner. This work is selected by the priest  and assigned at the meeting.

  3. To recite the Legion prayer, the Catena, daily.

  4. To follow the system of the Legion according to its official Handbook.

Auxiliary Membership
Purpose of Auxiliary Membership
Auxiliary members supply the prayer power which is needed for the active works of the Legion.

Degrees of Auxiliary Membership
1.      Ordinary auxiliary membership consists of those religious or laity who recite daily in honor of Our Blessed Lady           all the prayers contained in the Legion prayer leaflet called the “Tessera,” which includes the rosary.
2.      The adjutorian degree of auxiliary membership consists of priests, religious and lay persons and requires:

  • Prayers said by the ordinary auxiliary (as above) and in addition:

  • Daily Mass and Holy Communion.

  • Daily recitation of an Office approved by the Church (i.e., Liturgy of the Hours) (However, adjutorian membership does not require an Office from religious who are not bound by their rule to say one.)

How does one become an auxiliary member?
Submit your name, address and parish to an active member, who will place your name on a probationary roll for three months. After that you will be contacted to see if you have been able to say the prayers. If so, you will be placed on the permanent list of auxiliary members.

Are there any dues, or any meetings to attend?
No, there are no dues, and the auxiliary members are not bound to attend any meetings. Once a year they are invited to a ceremony of consecration to our Lady called the “Acies.” It is also customary for each Praesidium (parish unit in the Legion) to plan a get-together at least once a year for its auxiliary members so that they can get better acquainted with the Legion of Mary and what it is accomplishing.

Is there any age limit in membership?
No, persons of any age may be auxiliaries if they are able to say the required prayers.

Ancilla Domini Praesidium
Guadalupe Carranza 
Please leave a message and she will return your call. 

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