St. William of York celebrated a Volunteer Appreciation Dinner to honor of the hundreds of parish volunteers who selflessly give of their time in the service to the Body of Christ in Stafford, VA.
Father DeMartino graciously thanked all those in attendance for their tireless dedication to our beloved parish.
The enjoyable evening, replete with a delicious Italian buffet and rich desserts provided a fitting opportunity for the parish staff to show their appreciation to those who do so much. The highlight of the event was a presentation provided by Father Andrew Fisher, Pastor of St. Ambrose Church, entitled “The Jesuit Martyrs of Virginia” which told the story of the 16th Century Spanish Jesuits who gave their lives in the propagation of the Faith in the Tidewater region of Virginia.
A detailed description of their devotion and heroism can be found at the link below:
A warm thank you to all of our volunteers and to Father Fisher for his fascinating presentation.